
Louis Vuitton Speedy is a classic handbags

The Replica Louis Vuitton Bags Louis Vuitton Speedy is a classic handbags, representative of the best known of all times. Many designers have tried to Speedy-channel design a bag, but there's nothing like the original. The shape alone is worth the purchase (this is an important part of it, a Speedy). Now just personal preference. Speedy does not fit over his shoulder. Speedy sit in my bag most of my arm, and depending on how much I have in my pocket, my arm hard and end up hurt a little. So just use it as a handbag which is the actual use. If you go for a sack over his shoulder, not in search of the bag for you.

In addition, Speedy does not hold their shape well. Since the size of the quickest, out of shape. Also, the more you get into the pocket, the more it loses its shape. There parts are used to form again, the bag, but otherwise left behind Speedy. A convoy of aid to a particular organization, but not much.

Seems to give a negative effect on the Speedy, it was not my intention. I love my Louis Vuitton Speedy, and I have three of them. 25 cm, 30 cm and 35 cm. The 35 inches is best for everyday use and has more than necessary. It will never change, one of the bags of the classic of all time. Personally, I like, but I felt the need to share the disadvantages.

The bag Louis Vuitton Speedy Neverfull, which has led to a further specification of the house to compare. How can you not love this bag? It is bright, spacious and reversible. The highlight of this bag is its ease of use. The cord can squeeze the bag in a more compact form, or may be, as pocket-sized. In each case the volume of the bag is wide. And, of course, is reversible, which is a nice gesture, not the number (if applicable) designer handbags.

There is so fast that is not small, but broad and long carrier of the Neverfull put this bag on the shoulder with ease, and assign more weight to carry. The straps are long and thin, no extra channels or weight, not to delve into your body.

The appearance of the bag is not as iconic as the Louis Vuitton Handbags Speedy, but everyday is a great simple handles. And the daily deaths for each collection is essential. However, I say, bought a YSL Muse. The Muse has a form similar to the fast, but as the Louis Vuitton women handbags Neverfull, if you have curved side shoots. I'm struggling to like you anyway. I suggest you decide whether you want a bag that pleases comfortably on the shoulder or not to be used, and suggests the best. Hope this helps!

